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作者: 雷火电竞首页 来源:   日期:2023-12-12 12:18

本文摘要:刘亦菲上海国际影戏节开幕式1. [U] 注意;专心;留心;注意力 ;,殷勤 、立正等,是不行数名词,因此不能与不定冠词连用,也没有复数形式。

刘亦菲上海国际影戏节开幕式1. [U] 注意;专心;留心;注意力 ;,殷勤 、立正等,是不行数名词,因此不能与不定冠词连用,也没有复数形式。如:They want to divert the attention of the people from the real issues. 他们想要把人们的注意力从真正的问题上转移开。He turned his attention back to the road again.他把注意力转回到门路上。

Small children have a very short attention span .幼儿的注意力连续时间很短。She tried to attract the waiter's attention .她试图引起服务员的注意。

Films with big stars always attract great attention .有大明星演出的影戏总是引起很大的兴趣。As the youngest child, she was always the centre of attention .身为幼女,她一直是大家关注的中心。

She tried to escape the unwanted attentions of her former boyfriend.她只管避开她已往男朋侪多余的殷勤。The only way to escape the unwanted attentions of the local men was not to go out...制止被当地人指指点点的唯一措施就是闭门不出。((尤指令人讨厌的)关注、殷勤可数名词)《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》The meeting was held away from the attentions of the media 集会的举行避开了媒体的关注。

《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》Some men are flattered by the attentions of a young woman. 年轻女性的倾心会使一些男子飘飘然起来。《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》Soldiers in full combat gear stood at attention 全副武装的士兵们立正站着。Pay great attention to these points. 要特别注意这几点。

He talked loudly, but no one paid him any attention. 他高声说话,但没有听他。2. 在 pay attention to, give attention to, bring attention to 等结构中的 to 是介词,所以若接动词,应用动名词。如:We should pay more attention to uniting and working withthe comrades who differ with us. 我们应该更注意团结那些与自己意见差别的同志事情。

He gives all his attention to making money. 他的注意力完全集中在赚钱上。I was living just for myself and paying little attention to God. 我已往只为自己活,哪管上帝怎么想。3. 常用口语和短语:May [Could] I have your attention, please? 请列位注意。Attention, please. 请注意。

Thank you for your attention. 谢谢。(讲话或演讲竣事时用)unwanted attention多余的关注focus attention集中注意力centre of attention关注的焦点draw attention吸引注意attract attention吸引注意turn attention to someone/something把注意力转移到…上call/direct someone's attention使某人注意careful/close/undivided attention审慎/密切/全心的关注special attention特别关注;特殊照顾。

